Orders are processed and shipped from our Asbury Park, NJ location usually within two to five business days (excluding weekends and holidays) of the order being placed. Transit times are provided by UPS and vary with package destination. As per UPS, transit days are an estimate only, and may vary. Shipping costs are determined by the weight and size of the items purchased, the chosen shipping category, and the destination address. All orders are shipped insured and with tracking information sent to your email.
Patriae is not responsible for lost, delayed, or stolen packages. Please contact UPS directly to resolve these issues. In these instances, Patriae is not able to replace or refund the items, but we will do our best to assist you with resolving the issue with UPS. Once we hand a package over to UPS, many factors are out of our control.
International shipping coming soon.
All returns must be pre-approved by Patriae. Before shipping back your return, send us an email at info@patriaestudio.com and let us know which item you are returning. We will issue a return authorization number to be included in your return package. Shipping costs are non-refundable and return shipping fees are the responsibility of the customer. All return packages must be insured.
If you wish to return your purchase, we will gladly issue a store credit or exchange within 14 days of delivery. Items must be returned in new, unused condition with original packaging and tags and with a copy of your packing slip included. We reserve the right to refuse returns that do not match these conditions.
Due to their one-of-a-kind and delicate nature, all of our vintage goods are final sale.
All sale items are Final Sale and not eligible for return or exchanges/store credit.